# Blueprints

# What are blueprints?

Unlike other field types, Blueprint is a custom field type introduced by Windsor, and not by ACF. Blueprints share some similarities with Clone fields, which lets you re-use your fields, but offer a few more advantages in that:

  • it lets you modify each cloned fields attributes
  • it is easier to resolve the right field names to use
  • it provides an easier way to include/exclude and re-order cloned fields

# Getting started with a blueprint

To use blueprints, start by creating a blueprint file within your acf-yaml directory:

# banner.acf.yaml
    type: text
    label: Banner Heading
    label: Banner Description
    type: 'textarea'
    new_lines: 'br'
    label: Banner Image
    type: "image"
    preview_size: 'large'

Register your new blueprint within the blueprints section of index.yaml:

  # ..your fields
  # ..your fields
  - banner.acf.yaml

Once registered you may now refer to the blueprint anywhere in your custom fields:

title: 'Default Template'
key: 'default_template'
      param: page_template
      operator: '=='
      value: 'default'
    label: Banner
    type: "blueprint"
    source: "banner"
    prefix: false
    prefix_label: false

There are a couple of things to note here:

  • To indicate the use of blueprint, use type: blueprint
  • The source refers to the name of your blueprint file. If you name your blueprint as banner-fields.acf.yaml then your source is banner-fields
  • The prefix and prefix_label works similarly to clone fields, allowing you automatically prepend the field name (using prefix) or field label (using prefix_label) to the copied fields.

# Filtering blueprint fields

You can also specify which fields you would like to take from the blueprint in two ways, using only or excludes:

    label: First Banner
    type: "blueprint"
    source: "banner"
    prefix: false
    prefix_label: false
    only: # Only takes selected fields
      - banner_image
    label: Second Banner
    type: "blueprint"
    source: "banner"
    prefix: false
    prefix_label: false
    excludes: # Remove specified fields, take the rest
      - banner_image

# Merging and updating blueprint fields layouts

You can also overwrite copied fields configuration using the merge keyword:

    label: Banner
    type: "blueprint"
    source: "banner"
    prefix: false
    prefix_label: false
        instructions: "Some instructions"
        max_size: 5

Using merge you are free for further customise individual copied fields; it will automatically merge the existing properties of copied fields.

Windsor also provides a convenient helper to let you re-arrange the fields, including adjusting the width of each field to give you even more precise control over how these fields are rendered.

For example, consider this scenario:

  • we would like to render a new color picker field to set the background of the banner section
  • we don't need the description field
  • we would want heading and color picker to be displayed side by side before the banner image

You can achieve this by using layout property:

    label: Banner
    type: "blueprint"
    source: "banner"
    prefix: false
    prefix_label: false
      - banner_description
        label: Banner Background
        type: "color_picker"
        default_value: "#FFFFFF"
      - banner_heading@50
      - banner_background@50
      - banner_image

In this example, we use merge to create an additional field which doesn't exist in our blueprint. The reason for doing so is to allow us to mix this field into our layout arrangement.

The layout property takes an array of fields, following these simple rules:

  • The order of items in the array is the order fields display when rendered
  • Within each line of item, you can optionally use @ to overwrite the wrapper width of the referred field